Why you should be a software consultant even if you are a new developer
I’ve been a software consultant for almost a decade now and I wanna share with you what it means to be a software consultant and why I think everyone should ...
Arman Notes is a tech blog on everything related to coding, software engineering, AI, and the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
I have been coding for 15+ years and here I share my real-world experiences and practical insights, tutorials, case studies, and thought pieces that not only demystify the complexities of AI algorithms but also offer actionable tips for effective software development.
I use JekyllPad Online CMS & Editor to write my blog posts.
I’ve been a software consultant for almost a decade now and I wanna share with you what it means to be a software consultant and why I think everyone should ...
I have been a software engineer and developer for more than a decade now. Writing code has always been a fun part of my day, generally it’s a way to solve a ...
We want to give our users a native experience on their platform of choice. A native experience is when an app looks the same and has the same features as ...
Instead of publishing your dotnet application for each platform separately, there is a way to publish your app once as platform agnostic and run it on eve...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
When writing a piece of code, There is parliament session going on in my mind. One party wants to maximise the code efficiency, performance and resource c...
The idea of artificial intelligence has wondered us since the early days of the computer era. A computer software that assists us with our tasks, helps us to...
It all started in December 2019 .. When WHO was informed of unknown cases in Wuhan City, China. Since then, the world has experienced one of the biggest and ...
From ASP.NET Web Forms to ASP.NET AJAX, then ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, building an API has evolved massively. An API started from being a function you...